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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Use of Mini Keyboards and Other Preventive Tips against Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

The nugget of wisdom that says “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has timeless appeal.  Its meaning and relevance has transcended time.  Even on the face of technological advancements and breakthroughs in science and medicine, prevention is still the best defense against most ailments.

The same tip should work for you if you would not want to suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Do not wait until you begin to experience wrist pain, numbness and swelling on your fingers, hands or wrists; tingling sensation at the tips of your fingers, and your palm aches when touched, before you see your doctor. You could be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  A visit to your doctor is sound advice – heed it!

Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

It is easy to tell.  Have you been typing for long periods of time on conventional keyboards?  The following are common symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:

1.  Numbness of the hand, wrists or fingers;
2.  Tingling sensation on the fingertips;
3.  Nagging pain on the wrist that does not go away.

Protect Your Hands:  Start Using Ergonomic Mini Keyboards Today

Unlike ergonomic mini keyboards that are specially designed to suit a user’s preferences, including the size of his palms, the length of his fingers and the reach of his arms, conventional keyboards do not look into these specifics.  This “free for all” generation has created more problems than solutions at the workplace.  This is why when you are seated in an office chair that is not suited to your weight and height, you would encounter back problems.  Using mouse and keyboards that are not ergonomically designed for your hands and fingers may cause a lot more stress; overtime, it will cause your hand damage or deformity.

Soft Touch Slim Wireless Multimedia Keyboard
Ergonomic mini keyboards are available on the internet, but be wary about making an impulsive choice.  You should gather as much information as you can before you decide on a brand of ergonomic mini keyboard to buy.  Be careful with sales pitches that deliver nothing, but hype.  Seek referrals from friends, and read forum posts and product reviews.  At the end of the day, word of mouth is an excellent yardstick for everything you can buy online, including mini keyboards.

Recommendation:  The best precautionary measure you can avail of that would protect you from debilitating effects of repetitive strain injuries, such as chronic back pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, is to use ergonomically-designed tools.  Start with a good mini-keyboard.  You will soon find out that your efficiency improves while your productivity doubles up!   

View photos of  ergonomic mini keyboards below $50 at  There is a plethora of mini keyboards you can find on the site that would fit your needs and your budget.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keep Your Job: One Cool Tip on How to Finish Tasks at Less Time

Photo credit:  ImageryMajestic/
If you want to keep your job, you should prioritize working on your desk, not farming in Farmville, or putting up houses in CityVille.  That's stating the obvious:  put your hours to good use. 

Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter are great tools you can utilize to keep tab with friends and family living abroad or in other states; however, if you dwell on these social tools too much, they can rob you of valuable hours that you could have spent on tasks you are being paid for by the company where you work.  Wasting company hours carries with it its own repercussions.  To be laid off at a time when business conditions do not warrant hiring new employees can be too bad; you surely would not dare take the risk, would you?

Here are cool tips on how you can avoid being laid off:

Focus on your job, one task at a time.  It's true that you cannot serve "two masters at the same time"; you either work effectively for one and render mediocre performance for another or totally mess up in both.  Just focus on one task, give it your best shot, finish it before you proceed to the next task you have in your list.

However, working in a company that has an open-office layout can be a real challenge to your ability to concentrate on your work.  As the phone rings or someone opens her desk drawers, you can get distracted.  Noise distractions have been proven to cause work-related stress, inefficiency and low productivity.

Suggestion:  Purchase a personal sound masking system and place it on top of your desk or install it in an area near you where distracting noise comes from.  Also known as speech privacy systems, these innovative tools "mask" noise and render it incomprehensible to you.  You can carry-on with your task and give it your full concentration; your sound masking system will take care of noise distractions.

Check out latest models of personal sound masking machines at

How to Cut Back on Work Hours without Putting Productivity on a Standstill

Photo credit:
There are two kinds of people in the work place:  Mr. A, who works more than the number of hours usually required from an employee, and Mr. B, who nails just enough hours for his pay, or even less.  Who would you hire?

Obviously, most of you would hire Mr. A because he comes across as hardworking, wouldn’t you?  Unfortunately, being a hard worker nowadays no longer impresses employers the same way it did in the past.

Work Smart Not Hard

The bottom line is no longer the amount of hours you spend on a task, but the quality of work you deliver.  It’s all about results.  Being hardworking does not necessarily mean producing the desired results.  Productivity is entirely a different thing.  You can be productive, even at fewer hours.  Yes, you can!

How can you cut back on work hours, but produce your desired results?  The answer is a 5-letter word:  focus.  It may sound easy, but in an open-office plan where you can overhear practically everything from the sound of the coffee pot heating up to the beep of an incoming message from a cellphone, focus is such a challenging word.

Good there is personal white noise machine, more commonly referred to as sound masking system.

Personal White Noise Machine:  What does it do?

 Privacy Guard White Noise Machine
available at
A personal white noise machine is a portable gadget you can place on top of your desk, carry in your bag wherever you go and whenever your privacy is challenged by noise.   

At the workplace, it can help you focus on your work by masking the noise around you with its built-in soothing sound that renders noise incomprehensible.  Instead of the incessant buzz of the telephone or the annoying sound of your office printer, you will hear the sound of a running 
                                                                     brook or the calming sound of the ocean.   

With a personal sound masking system, you can instantly transform your place of work into an oasis of peace and quiet that will inspire you to work less hours, but achieve more results.  Your level of focus or concentration determines your success at work, not necessarily the number of hours you put in.

How White Noise Can Help You Solve Health Problems

Escape Personal White Noise Machine 
Listening to white noise may be your cost-effective and innovative solution to various health issues.

According to experts, listening to calm and soothing nature’s sounds produced by a white noise machine lowers  the body's stress levels.  This would have positive impact on your general health.  White noise also masks intruding noise that hampers sleep and lowers one's productivity at work.

Relaxing, low frequency sound, which is commonly referred to as white noise, can rest both mind and body, even in the midst of a noisy surrounding.  White noise emits a specialized low-frequency stream of sound which has the ability to overlap and mask unwanted noise.  It is also used to protect speech privacy (imagine spilling out trade secrets during a board meeting within hearing distance of people who should not be privy to such information); remember, walls have ears.

White noise comes in variants of natural sounds, such as the soft gushing of wind, flowing of waves, or even the light chirping of birds.

Rest Better at Night with White Noise

If you are suffering from insomnia, light sleeping, or irregular sleeping patterns, listening to white noise will help you doze off - effortlessly.

Most insomnia sufferers have testified that white noise is indeed a better treatment to insomnia instead of taking drugs that can have side-effects. White noise blocks distracting noise from your surroundings with its repetitive stream of low-frequency sounds that calm your mind until you eventually fall asleep.

For any busy adult, you will find white noise machines helpful if you want to relax after a hard day’s work.  has white noise systems for home or office use.  It also has innovative designs that are very portable and lightweight for those who often travel.

Find peace of mind with white noise systems. Say goodbye to restless nights and wake up to good

How Ergonomic Mini Keyboards can Save Your Hands from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you believed that Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is just another of those “growing up” pains, think again!  This is the type of pain that is hard to ignore.  In fact, if symptoms are not managed and the condition is left untreated for some time, it can cause deformity and permanent damage on your hand and wrist.  When it comes to your health, a sense of urgency is always appropriate.  See your doctor.

You could be Suffering from CTS.

What are the danger signs?  How would you know if the pain on your wrist is a symptom of CTS?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is usually associated with pain; however, pain is such a universal symptom of many other ailments that it is hard to tell if what you are experiencing is a sign of CTS.  This is where professional diagnosis is necessary.  Visit your doctor.  To make your own diagnosis about your condition, based solely on what you read on the internet and what your friends have suggested, may put your health (and your life) in peril.

Aside from pain that runs from the tip of your fingers to your forearm and even up to your shoulders, other symptoms include:  numbness of your finger-joints, your wrists, or your hands; tingling sensation, apparent lack of strength to lift or move an object.  Any combinations of these symptoms are danger signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. 

How Ergonomics Mini Keyboards Save Your Hands

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome builds with time; it does not happen overnight.  Your prolonged use of the PC that is not ergonomically-designed to suit your fingers and hands may put too much pressure on the median nerve inside your wrist’s carpal tunnel.  Repetitive motion of your fingers and hands while using conventional (non-ergonomic) keyboard will cause strain on the median nerve, compresses it, and when inflammation sets in that’s when you feel the searing pain that simply does not go away.

Slim-line Left Handed Keyboard
Ergonomic mini keyboards are specially designed for ease and comfort of their users. There is a plethora of designs, depending on your preference.

Left-handed mini keyboards eliminate the stress that comes with prolonged use of the PC by a left-handed typist; “split –hands” designs are also available when you prefer to have more space for both of your hands on the keyboard 
                                                                                       platform.  And there is one for every budget, too!

Even health professionals, therapists and chiropractors agree that the use of ergonomic mini keyboard is the cheapest and the best preventive measure against carpal tunnel syndrome.  Make an investment in your health, today!  Protect the full use of your hands before carpal tunnel syndrome beats you to it!

View photos of quality, but less expensive  ergonomic mini keyboards at  You may also read product reviews or check on forums for more information about the benefits of using ergonomic tools and equipment.

Ergonomics mini keyboards are designed to suit the user’s hands, protecting them from the onset of repetitive strain injuries common among those who use their keyboards for long hours.  Using traditional (non-ergonomic) keyboards usually cause stress on the hands and wrists that may inflame the median nerve inside the carpal tunnels, and may give rise to carpal tunnel syndrome, a debilitating and painful condition.