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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keep Your Job: One Cool Tip on How to Finish Tasks at Less Time

Photo credit:  ImageryMajestic/
If you want to keep your job, you should prioritize working on your desk, not farming in Farmville, or putting up houses in CityVille.  That's stating the obvious:  put your hours to good use. 

Social media, such as Facebook and Twitter are great tools you can utilize to keep tab with friends and family living abroad or in other states; however, if you dwell on these social tools too much, they can rob you of valuable hours that you could have spent on tasks you are being paid for by the company where you work.  Wasting company hours carries with it its own repercussions.  To be laid off at a time when business conditions do not warrant hiring new employees can be too bad; you surely would not dare take the risk, would you?

Here are cool tips on how you can avoid being laid off:

Focus on your job, one task at a time.  It's true that you cannot serve "two masters at the same time"; you either work effectively for one and render mediocre performance for another or totally mess up in both.  Just focus on one task, give it your best shot, finish it before you proceed to the next task you have in your list.

However, working in a company that has an open-office layout can be a real challenge to your ability to concentrate on your work.  As the phone rings or someone opens her desk drawers, you can get distracted.  Noise distractions have been proven to cause work-related stress, inefficiency and low productivity.

Suggestion:  Purchase a personal sound masking system and place it on top of your desk or install it in an area near you where distracting noise comes from.  Also known as speech privacy systems, these innovative tools "mask" noise and render it incomprehensible to you.  You can carry-on with your task and give it your full concentration; your sound masking system will take care of noise distractions.

Check out latest models of personal sound masking machines at

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